Restaurant Workers’ Protocol: Are Meals Provided or Do They Prepare Their Own?

When it comes to the food industry, one question that often arises is about the meal protocol for restaurant workers. Do they get meals provided by the restaurant, or are they expected to prepare their own? The answer to this question can vary widely depending on the restaurant’s policies, the type of restaurant, and the country or region in which the restaurant is located. In this article, we will delve into the different practices and protocols related to meals for restaurant workers.

Meal Policies Vary by Restaurant

There is no universal rule when it comes to meal policies for restaurant workers. Some restaurants provide meals for their staff, while others do not. In some cases, employees may be given a meal allowance or a discount on food purchased from the restaurant. The specifics of these policies can depend on a variety of factors, including the size of the restaurant, the number of employees, and the restaurant’s overall budget.

Provided Meals

Many restaurants provide meals for their employees. This is especially common in larger restaurants or those that operate for long hours, where employees may not have the opportunity to leave the premises for a meal break. The meals provided are often simple and cost-effective, such as pasta, rice, or sandwiches. In some high-end restaurants, staff meals may even be prepared by the chefs and could include a variety of dishes.

Self-Prepared Meals

In some restaurants, particularly smaller ones or those with a tight budget, employees may be expected to bring their own meals. This can also be the case in restaurants that operate for shorter hours, where employees can eat before or after their shift. In some cases, employees may be allowed to prepare their own meals using the restaurant’s kitchen, but this is less common due to health and safety regulations.

Meal Allowances and Discounts

Some restaurants offer meal allowances or discounts as part of their employee benefits. A meal allowance is a set amount of money that employees can use to purchase food, either from the restaurant or elsewhere. A meal discount, on the other hand, allows employees to purchase food from the restaurant at a reduced price. The specifics of these benefits can vary widely from one restaurant to another.


In conclusion, the protocol for meals for restaurant workers can vary widely. Some restaurants provide meals, while others expect employees to bring their own. Some offer meal allowances or discounts as part of their employee benefits. The specifics of these policies can depend on a variety of factors, including the size and type of the restaurant, the number of employees, and the restaurant’s overall budget.